Customers expectations for service are always increasing and call center training is a crucial part of the puzzle. Improving performance management and training best practices in the call center is... more...

Customers expectations for service are always increasing and call center training is a crucial part of the puzzle. Improving performance management and training best practices in the call center is key to keeping your customers happy. “Make sure that everyone who talks to customers on the phone, or answers the business line, is trained,” says Gail Goodman, president at communications and phone training company ConsulTel. Customers rely only on those organizations where they get a quicker solution to their problems and get to interact with skilled agents. This is why the agents need to be provided with qualitative training for meeting the client’s expectations. Man­agers over­see­ing a call cen­ter know that their agents require consecutive train­ings so that they can deliv­er exceptional cus­tomer ser­vice. Regular training is crucial for call center agents, whether it’s about any newly launched product or modifications in the existing product. From taking orders to providing customer support, sticky situations are bound to arise. But how you handle these situations can mean the difference between creating loyal customers and losing business.
