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Found 6500 spaces
Lana testPrivate space with 1 membersFor Malca
CONFERENZA CCPrivate space with 1 membersCONFERENZA CC
EFLPublic space with 1 membersEFL
abc1Private space with 1 membersabc
WLA testPrivate space with 1 membersTesting space for Wlaštovka Cheb meetings.
pozitiff4ik testPrivate space with 1 memberstest test
ElladaPrivate space with 1 membersEllada Konference
QwwePrivate space with 1 members3244
DharmaWolfPrivate space with 1 membersHunde-Trauma-Therapie und Psychologie Zentrum
Arabic 1Private space with 1 membersthis is arabic lesseon
Open LessonPrivate space with 1 membersProva lezione
UNESCO Teacher TrainingPublic space with 1 membersFunction 4 - Capacity Building: Training the Trainers and Trainers of Trainers Contributors: Pre-selected expert teachers, educational leaders (local, district, regional, provincial/state, national), instructional designers, curriculum directors, authors, and consultants working with schools, universities, educational organizations, civil society, NGOs, IGOs, corporations, and researchers. Audience and Target: Trainers of teachers, teacher training institutions, educational leaders, professional developers, and teacher education instructors who work in schools, universities, and other educational organizations. Materials: Spotlighted and coordinated learning events including presentations, research reviews, mentoring, community building (micro and macro), formal and informal discussion groups, webinars, consultations, online/offline courses, virtual labs, and virtual receptions for authors/experts. Format: Enhancing existing teacher development organizations charged with improving the quality of teaching and instructional practice through training and services to new and existing teachers with: • Access to targeted training materials and resources; • Assessment tools for use in promoted practice; • Assistance to teacher training institutions in reforming curriculum; • Research instruments for use in promoted practice; • Baselines and assessments of current practice; • Training events promoting best practice; • ICT-integrated pedagogy; • Discussion of educational standards; • Spotlights on best practice; • Summaries of latest research and findings; • Profiles of authors and experts; • Coordination of meetups at conferences and other face-to-face events; • Expertise from consultations with international experts; • Expert-led community discussions on topical issues and trends (micro and macro); • Connection to micro-credentialing, certification, and badging promoted by UNESCO; • Connection to formal undergraduate and graduate courses and programs from UNESCO partner universities and learning organizations.
MultimediaPrivate space with 1 membersAsesoría para programas de animación, Audio y Video, así como retoque de imágenes. Saludos.
Scuola Bibblica OikosPrivate space with 1 membersScuola bibblica on line
DerevnyaMiraPublic space with 1 membersDerevnyamira