Found 6500 spaces (searched "")
Found 6500 spaces
Seminario2Public space with 1 membersSala para el Seminario 2
A.I.D.SPublic space with 1 membersWeb Palestra sobre AIDS
KingmanYSACPrivate space with 1 membersKingman Youth Stake Activity Committee
sreejithcools33Private space with 1 membersdeeeeeeeeee
NECC Conference SubcommitteePublic space with 3 membersThis is the private meeting space for the Conference Subcommittee
2014 NEC Conference Subcommittee MeetingPublic space with 1 membersDiscussion of 2014 NEC Conference, with new ideas for presentations, liturgy and scheduling
GlobalcarePublic space with 1 membersGlobalcare environment
My test place 2ndPublic space with 1 membersYou would expect to see long description that clearly states what is purpose of this space... honestly I am not ready for that mumbo-jmbo stuff right now so I will just throw in what ever comes to my mind :) Well enjoy test conferences and have a nice day ;)
This is my test spacePublic space with 1 membersSome random description that will satisfy user needs and it is not mandatory for you to read it, well don' tread it at all, that is my personal advice :) So what is this workspace about, it is a lot of fuzzle :)
fffrghberdPublic space with 1 membersN/A
AEFO test 1 14hrsPrivate space with 1 membersBonjour à tous, Vous êtes invités à vous joindre à nous vers 14hrs pour tester l'outil de conférence web MCONF. Le mot de passe pour joindre cet exercice à titre de participant sera : aefo2013 Vous devriez prévoir un petit 5 minutes pour préalablement créer un compte MCONF, c'est très simple et un petit guide d’accompagnement vous sera envoyé par courriel en cas de besoin. Au plaisir de discuter avec vous Kéïla Fontaine
NECC-CommSubPublic space with 2 membersPrivate chat room for the Communications Subcommittee of the National Episcopal Cursillo
TEST - DEPTMT MeetingPublic space with 1 membersThis space is to test the new Mconf platfrom
Apoio Institucional Canoas - RSPrivate space with 4 membersComunidade para troca de informações e compartilhamento de conhecimento sobre apoio institucional.
DECAQPrivate space with 1 membersVideo Conferencia de familiares