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Theory of ChangePrivate space with 3 membersWe are trying to describe or create a theory for something that seems intangible, and sometimes invisible, and is a moving target; yet we know it exists and can see signs of it happening all around us. The danger is to describe this spiral of learning and transformation without the poetic imagination, and without the intuitive embodied understanding we see in the phenomenological experience of. We feel we should try tap into that creative, intuitive and emotionally reflexive part of ourselves. The t-learning sketch for the theory of change is that of a spiral, starting small and winding its way up and out, and so far we have identified five stages: 1. EXPLORE: Contextual Profiling (PROCESS AND MOMENTS- Throughout the t-learning transformation process, we see processes and then moments, these should be highlighted or at least the researcher keeps vigil to identify the moments in which transgressive/transformative learning is taking place) 2. PLURAL FACILITATION OF PLACE (Note: This space exists throughout the process, and it is important for the Researcher as Responsible Participant, Formative interventionist, Empathetic Hero to maintain this space through the T-Learning process, and hopefully indefinitely) · To meet and create possibilities; This space begins as a small simple place, but has the potential to grow and develop, and retain complexity through the process of t-learning · Cohesion · Immersive Empathy · Optimal Disruptions · Multi-level Variance · Ecologies of Knowledge/Multi-voice · Connect Issues and Challenges & nexus issues · Organic, Safe, Respectful and Emergent · Active Absence (space for emptiness and digestion) - this is important throughout the process of t-learning. · Magic Mochila (baskets): Skills, Resources, Networks o What we have o What we need o Who we need 3. USING GLOBAL NETWORK: · Research and network to help with needs · Sharing of Magic Mochila · Using the global network · Active Absence (space for emptiness and digestion) 4. LEARNING TO TRANSGRESS: · Little Actions, that are realistic, or manageable, they might work or fail, but there is learning in each instance, and we focus on that learning. · Doable changes · Active Absence (space for emptiness and digestion) 5. TRACKING A MOVING TARGET- EXPRESSIONS OF AGENCY AND LEARNING · Researcher as Responsible Participant/Formative interventionist and Empathetic Hero · Success and failures · Monitoring the relationship between power 1 and 2, and if these shift or transform/transgress into one another · Monitoring and reflecting little actions · Monitoring expressions of Agency · Active Absence (space for emptiness and digestion)
Colombia commonsPrivate space with 2 membersLearning to co-create the good life The Colombian team are working with the Council of Sustainable Settlements of the Americas (CASA) and the Colombian Convergence of Permaculture (CCP), following the emergence of these self-organising bioregional networks. This involves developing several bio-regional social learning classrooms to promote, investigate and disseminate re-generative lifestyles. The nexus issues addressed include food sovereignty, climate change, post-conflict peace building and extractivism. Methods involve extended inter-cultural events which are participatory and demonstrative of the lived experiences for co-creating the good life.
Teste_ICPrivate space with 1 membersTeste IC
Deon Test WebinarPrivate space with 1 membersThis is to test with a small audience interested in my topic
Diplomado Gestión DocumentalPrivate space with 1 membersManejo de Archivo y Correspondencia
Cesme Toplanti OdasiPrivate space with 1 membersÇeşme Toplantı Odası
General DissarrayPrivate space with 1 membersGeneral Dissarray
Diplomado en DDHH y postconflictoPrivate space with 1 members.
ApresentacaoTCCPublic space with 1 membersTCC Gianei
Nosowebdev WebinarPublic space with 1 membersΚαλώς ήρθατε στο μάθημα Web Development and Internet Marketing.
Columbus analysis meetingPrivate space with 1 membersWe have been conducting desktop research on two different knowledge outputs (KOs) from the H2Ocean project and the Mermaid project linked to the Offshore wind sector. From this, we have drafted two Knowledge Output Pathway (KOP) that we would like to discuss with you.
visiohubPrivate space with 1 membersmeeting on the web
NESSE webinarsPrivate space with 1 membersNESSE webinars on a wide-range of sustainable science topics.
Сертфикация Яндекс ДиректPrivate space with 1 membersСертфикация Яндекс Директ
Default Meeting Room #1Private space with 1 membersDefault Meeting Room #1