Found 6500 spaces (searched "")
Found 6500 spaces
Ninja 1Private space with 1 membersLớp học Ninja N5
ATR_JatengPrivate space with 1 membersRapat Virtual Kanwil BPN Prov. Jawa Tengah
BuildingPhysics - FacadesPublic space with 2 membersSmall Scale Pilot Project - test of voice and screen share quality in an African environment. Eventually - Webinars by Experts on popular topics - The boundaries between the many disciplines involved in the process of design, supply, installation, testing and operation of building façades is becoming blurred. - For buildings to achieve a high energy efficiency and create a comfortable environment for occupants, there must be appropriate dialogue between architects, façade engineers, building services engineers, structural engineers and contractors.
SummerlandCommunityPrivate space with 2 membersChat Room for our members to discuss new ideas
Reuniao MEPTPublic space with 1 membersmeeting
TST-TestePrivate space with 1 membersReunião
testspacekiranPublic space with 1 membersThis is a test space.
LONGTESTPublic space with 1 membersdfsdfsdf
Reunião GE DruckPrivate space with 1 membersEspaço para reuniões e treinamentos referente a linha GE Druck.
AULA VIRTUAL DOMOCOLPrivate space with 1 membersWebinar en el cual se da a conocer el manejo del Aula Virtual Domocol
CompassitesPrivate space with 1 membersCompassites
Sala Virtual Faip 02Private space with 1 membersSala Virtual Faip 02
Muhenna YayınlarıPrivate space with 1 membersMuhenna Yayınları Online Kursu
Estruturas Metálicas Prof. AntonioPrivate space with 1 membersSala para compartilhamento de dúvidas em estruturas metálicas com o Prof. Antonio
Autodesk Advance Steel TutoriaisPublic space with 1 membersEspaço destinado a compartilhar macetes, discas e dúvidas no software de detelhamento de estruturas metálicas Autodesk Advance Steel.