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NINJA 01Private space with 1 members123456789
Conversation Test1Private space with 1 membersTesting the web conference
UCAPrivate space with 1 membersUsado para trabajos de filosofía en la UCA
EverLivingPrivate space with 1 membersTest Space
UCA FilosofosPrivate space with 1 membersUsado para trabajos de filosofía en la UCA
Build Up ProgramPrivate space with 1 membersthis is created to teach english online
DoutoradoPrivate space with 1 membersEspaço para discussões sobre o doutorado.
SwGFPrivate space with 2 membersFFC project of Solidarity with Gaza Fishers
Teste RenkoPrivate space with 1 membersteste renko
test2mPrivate space with 1 memberstest2
TKN Methodology commonsPrivate space with 2 membersIn November 2016, at the Delhi Transformative Knowledge Network (TKN), emerged a vital discussion around transformative and transgressive learning methodologies. A key question was to think beyond narrow ways of thinking about agency, i.e. beyond rational choice views of agency. And to focus on our T-learning aims which are to support the emergence of collective, relational forms of agency, and for this, the way we practice our methodology development is crucial. This commons space explores the capabilities, needs, morally intuitive and morally imperative values that contribute to our practicing of t-learning processes. Another outcome from the meeting was to consider what are the limits to transformation, and how do we know when 'transgressive' action and learning has happened? Yet the most significant questions that emerged was understanding the many methodologies people in the TKN are use, and the major insights, questions, challenges they are finding. We have quickly made this intermediate forum space to begin the conversation around praxis, methods, and pedagogies that have been useful up to this point. To begin we will share some ideas, concepts, papers, narratives, think-pieces, journal entries, images, dreams we may have had, that can enrich our methodological capacities in transgressive learning for transformations in sustainability and environmental justice.
uicv1Private space with 1 memberspues eso
AgoraPrivate space with 1 membersAgora
ANDSPrivate space with 1 membersSala de Reunião ANDS
AHEAD AcademyPrivate space with 1 membersThe Academy of Higher Education and Advancements in Dentistry (A.H.E.A.D.) is a group of medical and dental professionals engaged in continuing education program and coaching for the postgraduate entrance examinations.