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Found 6500 spaces
testmePrivate space with 1 memberstester
lower level managemenbt weeklyPrivate space with 1 memberstest
nadvertex accountsPrivate space with 1 membersowed money
TDIC nas práticas educacionais da Educação SuperiorPublic space with 2 membersApresentação de planejamentos de disciplinas no moodle
Constant ConferencePublic space with 3 membersThe t-learning transformative knowledge network is developing a virtual, interconnected, on-line research school to support young researchers undertaking research focussing on transgressive social learning for social-ecological sustainability in times of climate change. The research school will focus on emancipatory and sustainability processes, and will support the role of research in bringing about social change (research as activism). This recognises that research is complicit in moral action that generates knowledge with both human and more than human beings. Such research seeks to enrich the common good in direct ways that are linked to social activities and practices. In the research school we encourage researchers to develop and share new methodologies that are co-engaged, and that are transformative in nature, and that actively support t-learning processes. The t-learning research school foregrounds cognitive, epistemic, social and environmental justice, and therefore does not de-couple the learning from processes that aim to bring about political, cultural, social and environmental change. This space is for general conversations and sharing between the project participants.
Product Innovation AcademyPrivate space with 1 membersConsidering the need of the experience driven economy today, the Product Innovation Academy (PIA) is creating a global community of individuals empowered to Think, Design & Innovate. PIA was constituted with a vision of creating the world class knowledge platform for professionals and companies in India
1 WebinarPrivate space with 1 membersprimo seminario
Testing-ClassPrivate space with 1 membersTesting classing
Aggiornamento InformaticoPrivate space with 1 membersAggiornamento Informatico.
Sala testPublic space with 1 membersSitio de pruebas
Literacy HelpPrivate space with 2 membersStudy skills support for students of all ages.
Team MeetingPrivate space with 1 membersTeam Space for Operations Meetings
CICBLA TrainingPrivate space with 1 membersSpecialized Train
testAC1234Private space with 1 memberstest