Found 6500 spaces (searched "")
Found 6500 spaces
  • unicode
    Private space with 1 members
    یونی کود
  • Encontro CCDs
    Public space with 1 members
    Reunião das CCDs
  • VOR Group On-Line Discussion
    Private space with 3 members
    - online meeting - short discussion
  • Crypto Cookan
    Public space with 1 members
    Coins in Your Pocket
  • testspacecourse
    Private space with 1 members
    testspace private
  • Tiago Dias
    Private space with 1 members
  • marketing test 1
    Private space with 1 members
  • Z-NEV HQ
    Public space with 1 members
    This is the Project: Z-NEV conference space for online meetings relating to Z-NEV or KoKa Media. All are welcome. Project: Z-NEV is a one-of-a-kind global collaboration that aims to design the first open-source Zero-Net Energy Vessel. It will serve as a virtual classroom and research vessel that will allow users to learn through participation, or contribute to ongoing research remotely using interactive technologies. Later, Z-NEV will be a STEM ambassador providing outreach and education to communities throughout the waterways of the Pacific Northwest and to global participants who wish to learn about the STEM fields explored through Z-NEV’s interactive virtual environment.
    Private space with 1 members
    EPAMG conferences
  • Nationale Branchenkonferenz 2018
    Private space with 1 members
    Besprechung von: WOK - Herr Schultze und Frau Rudolph; Infokom - Herr Berndt und Frau Preik; BioCon Valley - Prof. Zygmunt und Frau Kampe
    Private space with 1 members
    Esta WEBCONFERÊNCIA destina-se a realização das reuniões de quartas-feiras do PIBID durante as férias. Serão 04 (quatro reuniões): 10, 17, 24 e 31 de janeiro, sempre nos mesmos horários 17h às 19h. Grande abraço a todos.
  • sinfosy-test
    Private space with 1 members
    test space sinfosy
  • TB-Session
    Private space with 1 members
    Working Session with Ted Blackmon
  • financialmathematics
    Public space with 1 members
  • finamath
    Private space with 1 members
    new space