Found 6500 spaces (searched "")
Found 6500 spaces
Radio2020Private space with 1 membersEspacio de radio 20 20 transmitiendo en vivo desde las montañas del sur.
CREDITPrivate space with 1 membersMeeting space for CREDIT project.
Nutrition, Exercise and Cognitive Training for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases Associated with AgingPrivate space with 1 membersWhen Economics meets Medicine. "Nutrition, Exercise and Cognitive Training for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases Associated with Aging". A talk about the fears of economists and the hopes of physicians for a better and sustainable future. February 2nd 2018 - 10:30am Rome, Via Columbia, 2 Sala del Consiglio, Building B, II Floor School of Economics, University of Tor Vergata
jacktestPrivate space with 1 memberssala para teste
Test space vinhPrivate space with 1 membersTest space
test-space-vinhbv1Public space with 1 memberstest-space-vinhbv1
seanPrivate space with 2 membersgo
testromPublic space with 1 memberstest
EMBA networkPrivate space with 1 membersour webinar
CreativePrivate space with 1 membersThis is creative
EMBA NETWORK 95Private space with 1 memberswebinar for all
Analética: Instituto de Educação e Cultura (AIEC)Public space with 7 membersComunidade para interação entre membros da Analética.
MEDITAZIONE ANGELICAPrivate space with 1 membersUno spazio sacro dove conoscere le Energie degli Angeli e Arcangeli e ricevere i loro doni di Luce. Ogni incontro prevede una tematica diversa, con un Arcangelo differente e una diversa meditazione. Ogni Lezione dura 50 minuti circa e consiste di una parte teorica e di una parte pratica.
Data Mining SessionPrivate space with 1 membersEspacio creado para el intercambio de posturas sobre Data mining implementado en software WEKA.
MDER-PIPublic space with 1 membersEspaço para vídeo conferencias da MDER.