Found 6500 spaces (searched "")
Found 6500 spaces
AtlasPROfilaxSPAINPrivate space with 1 membersEspacio para la Asociación AtlasPROfilax España
Reuniao MMAPrivate space with 1 membersSala de Reunião
Niños y Jóvenes en conflicto con la Norma PenalPublic space with 1 membersEspacio para encontrarnos y trabajar en la investigación todos juntos,
company meetingPrivate space with 1 memberscompany meeting
澳洲華文民間智庫 Hua-Wen Nongovernmental Think Tank, Australia(HUANOTTA)Private space with 1 members定期網聚 --- 每次網聚前5天,召集人設定題目,並附上300至800字的解說。 --- 網聚過程,由召集人主持邀請大家發言、對話。 --- 每次網聚後5天內,民間智庫秘書整理好逐字稿,然後email給大家。 --- 大家在收到email的5天內可要求更正口誤 ── 但僅止於更正口誤,如要補充任何觀點或解說,可於網站進一步回應。 --- 每次網聚後15天,召集人整理,並將題目、網聚前的300至800字解說、網聚對話摘要(800至1200字),以及對話逐字稿放到網站上。
APN AMAKHAPublic space with 1 membersApresentação do Plano de Negocio da Amakha Paris por Anderson Rodrigues Coutinho
Aleatory BooksPublic space with 1 membersAleatory
AxonGroupAlonsoRojasPrivate space with 1 membersCapacitaciónDnp3ICCP
CallygraphyPrivate space with 1 membersОбучение каллиграфии
REOS GrupoPrivate space with 2 membersReuniões do grupo de pesquisa REOS - Redes Organizacionais, Sociais e Sustentabilidade.
BiotechnologyPublic space with 1 membersBiotechnology
SilviaPrivate space with 1 membersencontro_silvia
Sogetel SACPublic space with 1 membersSAC Sogetel
concorso per guide turistiche regione sicilia 2018Private space with 26 membersQuesto è uno spazio creato appositamente per condividere materiale, testi, fare video conferenze inerenti al bando di concorso per l'abilitazione alle professioni turistiche indetto dalla regione Sicilia.
Alasag PruebasPrivate space with 1 membersSala para Alasag Temporal